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Direct support to those fighting for freedom

Who we are?

Fritt Ukraina (Free Ukraine) raises funds for equipment that goes directly to the Ukrainian forces and civil defense. The deliveries include clothing, vehicles, surveillance drones, and power generators. We transport the equipment directly to the recipients in Ukraine.

We have more than 5 000 members and supporters across the country.

The organization is run by people from diverse backgrounds and political perspectives. We are united by one common goal:

To support the Ukrainian forces who risk their lives for democracy and a rules-based world order.

Contact info.

Peter C. Frølich, Chairman, Fritt Ukraina
Phone: +47 41520873

Portrett av Natalia Golis

Natalia Antonia Golis, Secretary General, Fritt Ukraina
Phone: +47 90870491

News in English

Kolbjørn Golis intervjuer Yehor Soboliev i Ukraina

On the Frontline

By Kolbjørn Golis (in Ukraine) and Lars Bugge Aarset, Fritt Ukraina Les saken på norsk At one of the most critical defense lines in Ukraine stands the 12th Special Purpose Unit, an elite unit that has l…

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Foto av Luke Harding foran barrikade og flagg

Meet Luke Harding at member’s meeting and Ukraine evening

Welcome to the members' meeting and theme evening with Fritt Ukraina and Itera. Here we get a visit from the award-winning journalist Luke Harding. He comes to the meeting directly from Ukraine.

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Medals of Honor for Natalia Golis and Peter Frølich in Fritt Ukraina

Medals of Honor for Natalia Golis and Peter Frølich in Fritt Ukraina

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has awarded Member of Parliament and Chairman Peter Frølich the medal “Defender of Ukraine.” Additionally, Secretary General Natalia Golis was awarded the Honorary Meda…

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“Boz”, "Mavic" og “Lev” opererer droner i etterretningsorganisasjonen GUR. Foto: Lars Bugge Aarset

Meet the Drone Operators: Revolutionizing The Warfare

Ukraine's military intelligence service – GUR, uses drones and advanced technology in the fight against Russia. "Lev" and his soldiers greatly appreciate the technical support they receive from organiza…

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More news from Fritt Ukraina (Norwegian)

Fritt Ukraina in media
